Read the article Quilts of Kindness by Christopher Keizur for the Gresham Outlook

Our Stitching Comfort Committee is responsible for quilt donations to several groups throughout the community and beyond. This is our current list:

Our Just Future, formally known as Human Solutions Family Center 

"Passage" quilts to terminally ill patients at Mt. Hood Medical Center

Hospice quilts to Hopewell House

Ronald McDonald House

Quilts Beyond Borders and some of our members make Quilts of Valor for service members and veterans.

Fill a Stocking, Fill a Heart (link is above)

For questions and donations contact our coordinator at


There are loads of free patterns available on the web for charity quilts. Try Arizona Blankets for Kids (click on "Patterns" in the left-hand menu bar), and, both of which have numerous pattern ideas.

Click below for a printable PDF of three ideas for 40 x 60” quilts:

Also check out this video on string piecing from Susan Ainsworth Smith on her daughter’s blog, Stitchin’ the Northwest. Clear instructions from Susan, and great for charity quilts!

Size matters, at least for charity quilts. Here are some common sizes:

Quilts Beyond Borders - 40-45″ wide by 48-60″ long (kid prints)

Human Solutions - 40 by 60" ( kid prints) 

Passage Quilts - 40 by 60"  (adult fabrics)

Ronald McDonald House - 40 - 45" wide by 48 - 60" long (kid prints) and 36 - 40" wide by 40 - 45" long (baby prints)


We collect underwear and socks for the Our Just Future, formally known as Human Solutions shelter at every meeting.